Yes. There are several ways in which you can help the club by volunteering your time.
Contact us by filling out the online form to express your interest and to discuss possible
roles you can support. Community service hours will be given to high school students
looking to meet their 40 hour requirements.
Are you looking for team sponsorship?
Can I make special requests for which team my children plays on?
We will place a note in your child's profile but we cannot guarantee that any requests
will be honoured. Our goal is to make sure that all teams are balanced with regards
to skill and numbers and therefore we cannot fulfill all player requests.
What is the cost to register my child / children?
Our club mission is "Fun, Fitness, and Fair Play for All Skill Levels". We are focused
on giving all children interested in playing soccer a place to play regardless of their
experience or skill level. Registration fees are $125.00 per child for ages 6 and under
and $140.00 for ages 7 and up. Registration fees go up after the April 1st deadline to $160.00. Families that register 3 or more children from the same household will be entitled to a family discount. We are handling all requests on a case-by-case basis. If your refund request is urgent, please contact our club president, Zachary Mattiuz via email at
What is included in the registration fee?
The registration fee includes a soccer kit including team jersey, matching shorts and
soccer socks, approximately 10 weeks (weather permitting), a team photo, lunch on
the Day of Champions as well as a Champion / Participant medal at the end of the
season. Other small soccer related gifts may be given out based on our sponsorship
this season.
Where are games played?
Outdoor games are played at Fogolar Furlan Club located at 1800 North Service Rd E, just west of Walker Rd and North of the E.C. Row Expressway. Parking is available. Efforts will be made to ensure games are scheduled on nights when adequate parking is available. Due to multiple events that may occur at the Fogolar Furlan Club, parking will be limited with parking availability on the side of the road.
How can I pay for my registration?
SWYSC accepts online credit card payment,
cash and/or cheque. All Cheques can
be made payable to S.W.Y.S.C.
Do Boys and Girls play together?
U4 & U6: Teams are Co-ed.
U7 - U12/U13: Teams will be gender specific.
U17: Teams are Co-ed.
Do you charge late fees?
SWYSC now has a policy for late registrations.
As of April 1st, 2024 the price for registration is
increased to $160.00 per player.
Do you have picture days for
individual players pictures?
SWYSC does not have individual pictures, but
we do provide each player with an electronic
copy of their team picture.
When does the season start and end?
Every effort will be made to start the outdoor season in June, dependent on weather and field conditions. The season will last no later than mid-August.
Where are practices held and how often?
Each team's practice times, location, and frequency will be set by SWYSC. SWYSC recommends a 1 hour practice at least once per week (weather dependent).
What if a game or practice is cancelled due to bad weather?
If a practice is cancelled due to bad weather, your coach will reschedule the practice if necessary.
If a game is cancelled due to bad weather, efforts will be made to make up the game. Selected Fridays & Saturdays have been assigned for rescheduled games. Unfortunately the season can not go beyond mid August and therefore there is a possibility that some games may not be rescheduled if soccer pitches are not available.
SWYSC will make every effort to complete a 12 game season, the soccer season will be reduced to a 10 game season if weather conditions affect playing surfaces which is beyond the control of SWYSC.
Note: Bad weather is defined as lightning in the area, heavy rain, or high winds. Games will be played in light rain conditions. NO REFUNDS are issued for games canceled due to weather.
Now that I have registered, when will my coach contact me?
We expect to have team rosters to the coaches by the middle of May prior to the commencement of the soccer season. You should expect a call within days of the coaches receiving their team rosters. If you have not received a call by the first week of June please check the SWYSC member zone for information.
If the website does not offer the necessary information, please contact SWYSC via email at Players will only be placed on a team if their fee is paid in full, or an arrangement is made with the SWYSC board.
Are you looking for Coaches?
Yes. With the growing number of children interested in playing soccer, there is a higher demand for coaches. If you or anyone you know is interested in coaching, please fill out the online form.
Coaches will be required to sign an Offence Declaration that will be provided to each coach by the SWYSC.
Community service hours will be given to high school students looking to meet their 40 hour requirements.
Are you looking for volunteers other than coaches?
Yes. Corporate sponsorship is key to us providing the lowest possible fees to
our players. If your company is willing to sponsor for our club, please contact
us by email, for more information, or visit our sponsorship
opportunities page on our website.
Are there any programs for families that are financially disadvantaged?
Yes, there are several organizations that will help families in need pay for a portion of their registration costs. One organization we have had success with is the Canadian Tire Jump Start program.
To apply for a subsidy, you MUST register with the SWYSC first. You need to provide an order number.
For more information, please visit: . If you are not eligible/could not receive assistance from Jump Start, please contact KidSport Windsor, or email
*If the subsidy does NOT cover the entire registration cost, you are responsible for paying the remaining balance